Student Holding Florida Tech Flag on College Colors Day
Student Leader Awards

Each Spring, 《亚洲博彩平台》表彰了几位对校园社区做出贡献的学生领袖. 决定部分是基于学生的贡献超过了对积极参与者的正常期望的程度.

学生可以因在亚洲博彩平台的任何方面做出的贡献而获得荣誉, including work with student organizations, intercollegiate athletics, house governments, orientation programs, community service, etc. 



Civic Awards

Bronze, Silver, and Gold. More information can be found under Civic Engagement

Protestant Campus Ministry Service Award and Scholarship

Fantastic First Year Award

该奖项旨在表彰那些在亚洲博彩平台通过优异的学习成绩充分利用第一年的学生, 积极参与课堂外的活动和体验,表现出成为社区不可或缺的一员的愿望

Kitty & Jill Eanes LGBTQ+ Scholarship

Established in 2017, the Kitty & 吉尔·埃恩斯LGBTQ+奖学金支持女同性恋学生, gay, bisexual, transgender, 或酷儿(LGBTQ),或已经证明自己是LGBTQ社区的盟友.

GSA of the Year

To recognize the time, effort, 以及GSA为确保学生学业成功所付出的努力. 作为学生的教育者和导师,同时追求自己的研究生水平学位是一项重要的任务,由学生团体选择的GSA已经被证明成功地完成了这一任务.

Staff Member of the Year

表彰亚洲博彩平台的一名员工,他不断地为亚洲博彩平台的学生创造一个温馨和安全的学习环境. 学业上的成功不仅仅是在课堂上花费的时间,学生团体选择的年度工作人员证明了学生的成功是一个整体的过程.

Professor of the Year


Official of the Year

An award for the official that goes above and beyond, 他总是有很好的态度,总是球场上最努力的球员之一

Intramural Sports Athlete of the Year (2 awardees)

An amazing athlete  both on the field/court and off. Always proves themselves to be a great sport and athlete.

Outstanding Secretary of the Year (Recreation member and RSO member)

表彰保存小组会议和活动记录的秘书, 使组织成员及时了解组织的所有业务和活动, 并为后续的组织成员保存组织活动的记录.

Outstanding Treasurer of the Year (Recreation member and RSO member)

表彰适当和充分地维护组织预算和支出的财务主管, properly handles any funding requests made by the organization, 并使组织的领导和成员了解最新的预算.


表彰一位表现出高度领导能力和会员发展的副会长, acts as an effective spokesperson for his/her organization, tries to develop strong ties with other organizations, and a willingness to step in when the president is unavailable.

Outstanding President of the Year (Recreation member and RSO member)

表彰一位表现出高度领导能力和社员发展的会长, acts as an effective spokesperson for his/her organization, tries to develop strong ties with other organizations, 并成功地将其他官员和成员纳入组织的日常运作中.

Advisor of the Year

表彰鼓励会员参与校园和/或社区活动的顾问, 是否有助于提高组织作为一个团队朝着共同目标工作的能力, and encourages cooperation among groups and individuals.

Rising Star Student Leader

表彰积极贡献并表现出有效的未来领导者特征的学生, and makes effective leadership contributions to the organization.

Student Leader of the Year

A student who consistently surpasses expectations to assist students or student organizations in successful pursuit of organizational and individual success; accepts new tasks and challenges with enthusiasm and positive attitude; strives not only to share thoughts and opinions for new ideas but is also a part of putting ideas into action; and has had significant impact on co-curricular life at Florida Tech beyond the scope of campus responsibilities.

Organization Awards

Civic Awards

Bronze, Silver, and Gold. More information can be found under Civic Engagement

Outstanding Educational Event

一个教育活动,不仅是创造性的,而且是原创的,并教育尽可能多的学生. 该活动还应展示优秀的策划和利用优秀的宣传技巧.

Outstanding Social Event


Outstanding Philanthropic Event

提供学生之间积极的社会互动的社会项目或活动, demonstrates excellent planning and creativity, utilizes excellent publicity techniques to reach the targeted audience, 并为亚洲博彩平台的学生提供了一个有趣的机会.

Rising Star Student Organization

表彰在社员发展及外展方面表现出承诺的新组织, has potential for future contributions to campus life, 有效地计划和实施本学年的校园社区活动, and has clear sense of mission and goals for the group.

Organization of the Year (Recreation and RSO)

表彰促进学生领导技能发展的组织, 是否通过项目和服务对校园社区产生了影响, 是否经常支持校园活动和共同赞助的机会, and is seen by others as a role model for other groups to follow.



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